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Seminars 李政道研究所-粒子核物理研究所联合演讲

Magnetogenesis and Baryogenesis from Axion Inflation

by Prof. Kohei Kamada (Hangzhou Institute for Advanced Study (HIAS)&University of Chinese Academy of Science (UCAS))

Tsung-Dao Lee Institute/N6F-N600 - Lecture Room (Tsung-Dao Lee Institute)

Tsung-Dao Lee Institute/N6F-N600 - Lecture Room

Tsung-Dao Lee Institute



Pseudoscalar inflation or axion inflation is one of the most well-motivated models of inflation because the approximate shift symmetry guarantees the flatness of the potential against the quantum corrections. The CP and shift symmetric properties of pseudoscalar inflaton allows it to have a coupling to the Chern-Pontryagin density of the gauge fields. In this talk, I will argue that if the inflaton has such a coupling to the hyper U(1) gauge fields in the Standard Model, it can give a significant impact on the baryon asymmetry of the Universe. Namely, through the chiral anomaly, baryon asymmetry is directly produced at the end of inflation together with the helical magnetic fields. Although this asymmetry suffers from the sphaleron washout, decoupling of relatively light right-handed neutrinos will prevent the asymmetry from being washed out completely through the recently proposed mechanism, dubbed as the "wash-in" process. Moreover, the hypermagnetic helicity decay at the electroweak symmetry breaking give additional contributions to the baryon asymmetry of the Universe. I will explain some details of relevant phenomena in the scenario.


Ph. D (Science) from University of Tokyo, 2011.

Postdoc at Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotorn (DESY) 2011-2013,

at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) 2013-15,

at Arizona State University 2015-17,and at Institute for Basic Science (IBS) 2017-2018.

Assistant Professor at Research Center for the Early Universe (RESCEU), University of Tokyo, 2018-2023.

Distinguished researcher at Hangzhou Institute for Advanced Study (HIAS), University of Chinese Academy of Science (UCAS), 2023- .

Online Meeting Room:https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/sETJxSxIH3rt

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