Seminars 李政道研究所-粒子核物理研究所联合演讲

Frontier Technologies and Development Trends of Front-end Readout Electronics for Semiconductor Radiation Detectors

by Dr Prof. Wu GAO(高武) (Northwestern Polytechnical University)

5#/6th-603 - Meeting Room 603 (Science Building)

5#/6th-603 - Meeting Room 603

Science Building



A fully-customized application-specialized integrated circuit (ASIC), which is an important component of nuclear radiation detectors, is one of the key techniques in detector development. The application of ASIC chips for radiation-induced signal readout and large-scale parallel processing has greatly promoted the progress of large-scale scientific instrumentation in high-energy physics experiments, nuclear physics experiments, and photon science experiments, driving the development of instruments and equipment in applied fields such as radiation diagnosis, biomedical imaging, space particle detection, safety inspection, and industrial non-destructive detection. In recent years, the application of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies has led to a trend towards intelligent nuclear electronics systems. This presentation will introduce the following contents: First, technical fundamentals and research significance of front-end readout ASICs for semiconductor radiation detectors will be given. The details include detector electrical model, operational principles of front-end readout circuits, challenges and difficulties, importance and necessity of R&D; Second, the research status and technological trends of front-end readout ASICs will be introduced. It focuses on the research and development history, main types, key technologies, and performance survey of current readout ASICs; Third, AI-enhanced front-end processing architecture and chip implementation for pixel detectors will be described. It includes specialized neural networks for nuclear electronics, near-sensor computing, in-sensor computing, and integrated in-sensor computing architecture; Last, the research progress of front-end readout ASICs by our group with Northwestern Polytechnical University will be presented. The developed ASICs include multichannel low-noise front-end readout ASIC for PMT, CZT, Si-PIN detectors, and two-dimensional pixel readout ASIC for hybrid pixel detectors.



Dr. Wu Gao, born in 1982, is currently serving as a full-time professor at Northwestern Polytechnical University, the deputy director of the Key Laboratory of Radiation Detection and Materials, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, a board member of the Nuclear Electronics and Detection Technology Branch of the Chinese Nuclear Society. He received a doctorate degree in microelectronics in January 2011 from the University of Strasbourg, France, and was promoted to professor in May 2016. His research interests include nuclear electronics, integrated circuit design, and integrated circuit reliability. In the past 5 years, he was sponsored by more than 10 important projects such as the key project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, sub-projects of the National Key Research Program, and enterprise commissioned projects. He has authored and co-authored over 60 papers in journals such as IEEE TNS, IEEE TIM, NIM A, JINST, and international conferences such as IEEE NSS/MIC. He has obtained more than 10 authorized invention patents and published two books as well. He has won the Andy Chi Best Paper Award of IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society in 2013 and six provincial and ministerial level awards during the last ten years. He was sponsored by the Shaanxi Provincial Outstanding Youth Project in 2020 and was the winner of a national-level young talent program.

Host: Prof. Weihao Wu

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