Seminars 李政道研究所-粒子核物理研究所联合演讲

Landscape of electroweak scale dark matter and dark force mediators

by Prof. Pyungwon Ko (Korea Institute for Advanced Study)

Tsung-Dao Lee Institute/N6F-N600 - Lecture Room (Tsung-Dao Lee Institute)

Tsung-Dao Lee Institute/N6F-N600 - Lecture Room

Tsung-Dao Lee Institute



In this talk, I will describe electroweak scale dark matter and dark force mediators, focusing on massive dark photon and dark Higgs boson.I will contrast two scenarios, dark photon without and with dark Higgs boson, and show that dark Higgs boson can solve theoretical and phenomenological problems of DM models without dark Higgs boson.

2005.3.–present Professor, School of Physics, KIAS
2008.9–2011.8 Chair, School of Physics, KIAS
2002.3.–2005.2 Professor, Dep. of Physics, KAIST
1997.9.–2002.2. Associate Professor, Dep. of Physics, KAIST
1994.3.–1997.8. Assistant Professor, Dep. of Physics, Hong-Ik University
1991.9.–1994.2. Research Associate, University of Minnesota
1988–1991 Research Assistant with J.L. Rosner, University of Chicago

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Prof. Xiao-Gang He