In these lectures, I review the impact of rare kaon and hyperon decay into final states with lepton pairs on the standard model (SM) and beyond. Some of these processes serve as precise probes of the SM, whereas others allow us to test ideas and methods in chiral perturbation theory. They can also serve as constraints on physics beyond the SM, which in some cases are far more stringent than anything we can probe with high-energy colliders such as LHC
German Valencia is now a professor at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. He received his Ph. D. degree from the University of Massachusetts. Amherst and has worked at Brookhaven, Fermilab, lowa State University and CERN. His main research interest is particle physics phenomenology including CP violation.
Lecture 1- Oct 29
Lecture 2- Nov 06
Alternative online link: https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/x5LcH3FTaheO ID: 270-909-615
Prof.Xiaogang He