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Seminars 李政道研究所-粒子核物理研究所联合演讲

Gamma Photon Collider and Integrated Beam Facility

by Prof. Yongsheng Huang(黄永盛) (Sun Yat-sen University (SYSU))

Tsung-Dao Lee Institute/N6F-N600 - Lecture Room (Tsung-Dao Lee Institute)

Tsung-Dao Lee Institute/N6F-N600 - Lecture Room

Tsung-Dao Lee Institute



The Gamma collider based on electron interacting with laser (Genie, or Kite) to be built in this project will be the world's first real photon collider. This is a new type of high-energy physics experimental device, which has unique physical objectives and important scientific significance, from low energy (1 MeV) to high energy (125 GeV to several TeV), has rich physics in various energy regions, and complements other existing types of colliders (such as hadron collider, positron and negative electron collider, electron hadron collider, etc.). The Gamma Photon Collider and the Integrated Beam Facility have unique physical and scientific significance, which can not only achieve three world firsts, but also obtain a unique high-luminocity gamma-ray beam-line station, a high-quality electron beam-line station and an intense laser plasma physics experiment platform, which can be widely used in aviation industry enterprises such as China Aero Engine Group, Hangya Technology, Shenzhen Aerospace Science and Technology Innovation Research Institute, Asia-Pacific Satellite, Alcoa Aviation Materials Co., Ltd. and so on. It can also provide technical support for BYD, GAC Group and other automobile industries; and serving the green manufacturing industry in Shenzhen, such as GEM Co., Ltd. (cobalt-nickel-tungsten recycling and cemented carbide manufacturing).


黄永盛,清华大学本硕博,现任中山大学教授,理学院副院长,广东省高精度射线探测技术重点实验室,副主任;广东省伽玛光子对撞机及综合应用重点实验室 主任,中山大学百人计划领军人才,伽马光子对撞机及综合束流设施项目首席科学家,广东省重大人才工程 引进杰出人才,深圳湾实验室同舟学者,中国科学院高能物理研究所客座研究员,中山大学深圳附属学校科学副校长。 他 2022 年被聘为国际著名物理期刊 Matter and radiation at extremes 编委。他2021 年被引进中山大学,负责创建理学院。他 2017 月以正研究员引进人才 到中国科学院高能物理研究所工作,任北京试验束负责人,CEPC 束流能量标定 和 CEPC 同步辐射光源负责人。他 2015 年担任中国原子能科学院研究院高功率准 分子激光实验室副主任(主持工作),该实验室由王淦昌先生为验证惯性约束核 聚变主要理论思想创建。

黄永盛在超强激光驱动等离子体强场加速离子及短寿命谬子束瞬时加速机制、世 界首台伽玛光子对撞机及中国未来正负电子对撞机等大科学装置前沿研究、极紫 外光源和加速器核药制备以及闪放癌症治疗、高能量密度高转速电机等前沿技术 产业化均有重要成果。


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