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TDLI & INPAC Joint Experimental Particle Physics Seminar Series

Electroweak Precision Measurements at Hadron Colliders

by Dr Siqi Yang (University of Iowa)

Meeting Room 410,TDLI(Tsung-Dao Lee Library)

Meeting Room 410,TDLI(Tsung-Dao Lee Library)


The electroweak precision measurement is amoung the most important topics in experimental physics. In the past decades, many milestones in particle physics, including the discovery of the W and Z bosons, the top quark and the Higgs boson, benifit from the electroweak precision measurement and corresponding global fitting. From the beginning of this century, electroweak precision measurement has been performed at hadron colliders. After the discovery of the top quark and Higgs boson, it becomes important to help searching the beyond standard model phenomenon (especially for the situation that we did not have clear clue for new physics by direct searching at the LHC). To provide high precision for fundamental parameters in the electroweak theory (the W boson mass and the effective weak mixing angle), multiple topics have to be studied., including one order of magnitude improvement on the lepton reconstruction, better modelling of the PDF and calculation in QCD, and study on the strategy of performing such measurements at high instantaneous luminosity colliders. The reporter will discuss the highlights in the electroweak precision measurement at the Fermilab’s Tevatron, and introduce the current status of measurements at the CERN LHC.


报告人2016年在中国科学技术大学获得博士学位,目前在U. Iowa担任博士后研究员。长期从事强子对撞实验上的精确电弱测量研究,主要参与美国费米加速器实验室质子-反质子对撞机Tevatron上的D0实验,和欧洲核子中心质子-质子对撞机LHC上的ATLAS实验。在物理测量方面,研究方向是single Z与single W玻色子过程的精确测量,包括有效弱混合角的精确测量、W/Z运动学分布测量、末态微分截面测量等。在实验技术方面,报告人研究强子对撞实验上的高精度轻子刻度算法,包括电子能量与缪子动量修正、轻子探测效率测量等。

Particle and Nuclear