Seminars 李政道研究所-粒子核物理研究所联合演讲

On a new avenue for testing the QCD-axion dark matter hypothesis

by Dr Enrico D. Schiappacasse (University of Jyväskylä & Helsinki Institute of Physics)





The QCD axion is predicted to interact very weakly with Standard Model particles. Thus testing the QCD axion dark matter (DM) hypothesis is quite difficult.  Based on the coupling between the axion and the electromagnetism, direct detection experiments are just beginning to test small regions of the parameter space associated with the QCD axion. As a consequence, it is important to explore new avenues for the QCD detection including those set in astrophysical scenarios.  We propose a new avenue to probe the QCD axion DM hypothesis via transient radio signatures coming from encounters between neutron stars (NSs) and axion minihalos around primordial black holes (dressed PBHs). In the mixed DM scenario in which a small fraction of DM is in the form of PBHs, we expect the presence of dressed PBHs today in the Milky Way.  During NS-dressed PBH encounters, the resonant axion-photon conversion in the NS magnetosphere will give rise to a transient line-like emission of radio frequency photons. Based on the sensitivity of current and prospective radio telescopes, such transient emission could be detectable on the Earth under suitable conditions.  


I am a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Jyväskylä (Cosmology Group) and the Helsinki Institute of Physics (University of Helsinki), Finland. I was previously a postdoctoral researcher at The Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics (INPAC), Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China),  a PhD student at the Tufts Institute of Cosmology, Tufts University (USA), and a Fulbright foreign Student (U.S. Department of State).  My research activity spans several interesting topics including particle astrophysics, axion dark matter, and primordial black holes. Recently, I have been exploring different well-motivated dark matter scenarios with emphasis on their associated phenomenology, such as dark matter annihilation within high dense compact objects, axion-photon conversion in strong magnetic field astrophysical environment, and photon resonant emission within axion dark matter Bose-Einstein condensates.

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