As a technological spin-off from high energy particle accelerators, ion beamtherapy has become an attractive therapeutic option for patients with cancers because this approach better spares healthy tissue from radiation than conventional photon therapy. The talk will introduce the rationale of ion beam therapy and the technologies needed for ion beam therapy. Along the way we will talk about how we delivery the beams and why the machines needed for proton beam therapy are so large and complex, along with how we develop the first Chinese domestic proton therapy facility in Shanghai.
陈志凌, 中国科学院上海高等研究院上海光源粒子束应用技术部 副主任
2016.5-今: 中国科学院上海应用物理研究所/上海高等研究院质子放疗医学物理、设备研发: 担任上海市战略性新兴产业重大项目“首台国产质子治疗示范装置研制项目”治疗系统副总工程师。作为国内首个完全自主研发的质子治疗装置,现装置已经完成第三方检测进入临床阶段
2011.10-2016.3: 日本放射医学综合研究所(NIRS) 重离子放疗医学物理、技术与设备研发
--基础研究: 主持新型探测器研发 Track Imaging Detection System for Precise Radiation Quality Measurements
2006-2010: 苏黎世联邦理工学院(瑞士) Doctor of Sciences, Institute for Particle Physics, ETH Zürich
Online meeting room: https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/ZCYw6GwZkaHb (ID:176871308,password:123456)