The events in this category will not be synchronized to the homepage of TDLI.
- 620 events Muon Physics Meetings
- 61 events DM+nu Forum
- 1 event PCEPC Collaboration
- 5 events TDLI Particle Division Weekly Physics Forum
- 2 events Universe Whispering Forum (天语物道论坛)
- 297 events Collider Group Meetings
- 29 events PKU-SJTU Collider Physics Forum for Junior Scholars
- 310 events ATLAS informal discussion meetings
- 25 events CEPC Study Group Meetings
- 449 events Dark SHINE Meetings
- 13 events Electroweak Phase Transition +
- 295 events Informal Discussions
- 3 events Meetings
- 3 events Phenomenology
- 3 events PandaX Collaboration