[2025-01-18] For better promotion of the events, the categories in this system will be adjusted. For details, please refer to the announcement of this system. The link is https://indico-tdli.sjtu.edu.cn/news/1-warm-reminder-on-adjusting-indico-tdli-categories-indico


Jan 18, 2025

Warm Reminder on Adjusting indico-tdli Categories 关于indico调整系统类别的温馨提示

Dear all,

In order to help faculties better promote events, the indico system of the Tsung-Dao Lee Institute (https://indico-tdli.sjtu.edu.cn) will be connected with the official website of the Tsung-Dao Lee Institute (https://tdli.sjtu.edu.cn) in the near future, so that some events that meet specific rules (see details below) published on indico can be automatically synchronized to the Events column of the Tsung-Dao Lee Institute's official website. For this purpose, we will adjust the categories of the indico system and connect them with the Tsung-Dao Lee Institute's official website based on the categories. The details are as follows:

1. Four main categories, namely Institute Events, Astronomy and Astrophysics Division Events, Condensed Matter Division Events, and Particle and Nuclear Division Events, will be set on the system's home page, corresponding to institute-level academic events and ones of each division.

2. Under each of the four main categories mentioned above, there are six secondary categories: Colloquia, Conferences, Forums, Schools, Seminars, and Workshops.

3. Under the six secondary categories mentioned above, third-level categories can be set according to actual needs to represent a certain academic event series. For example, under Institute Events » Colloquia, there are series such as T. D. Lee Colloquium and T. D. Lee Master Lecture.

4. Only the academic events under the six secondary categories within the four main categories mentioned above will be automatically synchronized to the Tsung-Dao Lee Institute's official website.

5. All events whose Protection mode is set to Protected, as well as all events under categories whose Protection mode is set to Protected, will not be synchronized to the Tsung-Dao Lee Institute's official website.

6. The original academic events in indico will be moved to the corresponding categories. And research groups and faculties are also welcome to move academic events to the target categories by yourselves.

7. After the relocation, if you cannot find the events, you can find them in the system search box.

If you have any questions, please be feel free to contact Banghui Ni at nbh@sjtu.edu.cn. Sorry for any inconvenience.


Tsung-Dao Lee Institute




1、系统首页设置Institute Events、Astronomy and Astrophysics Division Events、Condensed Matter Division Events、Particle and Nuclear Division Events四个主类别,分别对应所层面学术活动和各个研究部学术活动。


3、上文所述六个二级类别下面可根据实际需要设置三级类别,用于表示某个学术活动系列,例如Institute Events » Colloquia下面设置有T. D. Lee Colloquium和T. D. Lee Master Lecture等系列。


5、所有保护模式(Protection mode)被设置为保护(Protected)的活动,以及所有保护模式(Protection mode)被设置为保护(Protected)的类别下面的活动,均不会被同步到李政道研究所官网。





