The hypothetical dark photon portal connecting the visible and dark sectors of the Universe has received
considerable attention in recent years, with a focus on CP-conserving kinetic mixing between the Standard
Model hypercharge gauge boson and a new U(1)X gauge boson. In the effective field theory context, one
may write nonrenormalizable CP-violating kinetic mixing interactions involving the X and SU(2)L gauge
bosons. We construct for the first time a renormalizable model for CP-violating kinetic mixing that induces
CP-violating non-Abelian kinetic mixing at mass dimension 5. The model grows out of the type-III seesaw
model, with the lepton triplets containing right-handed neutrinos playing a crucial role in making the model
renormalizable and providing a bridge to the origin of the neutrino mass. This scenario also accommodates
electron electric dipole moments (EDM) as large as the current experimental bound, making future EDM
searches an important probe of this scenario.