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Seminars 李政道研究所-粒子核物理研究所联合演讲

A Fully Dynamical Model of Neutrino Oscillation

by Dr Hosam M. Mohammed (Institute of Modern Physics, CAS)

300-02 (Tsung-Dao Lee Institute (East wing of Pao Yue-Kong Library))


Tsung-Dao Lee Institute (East wing of Pao Yue-Kong Library)



Neutrino oscillations are often treated using the external wave packet model, in which the neutrino source and detector are replaced by rigid external wavepackets which neither spread nor entangle.  However neutrino oscillations are expected to damp as a result of the entanglement of the source and detector with the environment.  A derivation of this damping therefore requires a fully dynamical treatment of the source and detector.  We construct a model which does this and use it study neutrino oscillations in the vacuum.

HosamMohammed finished his PhD defense a few days ago at the Institute of ModernPhysics, CAS in Lanzhou.  His research focuses largely on experimentalsearches for sterile neutrinos and theoretical studies of decoherence in neutrinooscillations with on eye on Daya Bay and JUNO. During his PhD he published fourpapers in EPJC and JHEP.  He is a participant in an NSFC Mianshang grantand was a local organizer of the conference Shedding Light on the Dark Universewith Extremely Large Telescopes.  He will soon be a faculty member atBeni-Suef University in Egypt.