Symmetry is essential to the theory of particle physics. It turns complex expressions to elegant forms. On the other hand, nature likes symmetry breaking. The Higgs boson is a well-known product of symmetry breaking. The other obvious example is the world we live in, which is matter anti-matter asymmetric. We don’t know where this asymmetry comes from. Theorists claim that it is a result of CP symmetry breaking, also known as CP violation. However, the required amount of CP violation exceeds everything we have observed so far. So where to find the hidden source of CP violation? At the LHC, we just found the Higgs boson in 2012, could it be the source? In this talk I will give an overview of the efforts of measuring CP violation of the Higgs boson, the evolving techniques, the different angles we tackled, and the results we obtained.
Meng Xiao is an assistant professor at Zhejiang University. She obtained her PhD at CEA Saclay, France in 2013, and worked at Johns Hopkins University as a postdoctoral fellow. In 2019 she joined Zhejiang University and started a CMS group there. She has been working at the ATLAS and CMS experiments at the LHC since 2009. Her research interests include studying the Higgs boson properties and probing fundamentals of QCD through jet substructure. In 2021 she received “CMS young researcher award” for her work on the analyses of CP and other properties of the Higgs boson. She served as the convener of the Higgs to ZZ group and the Higgs combination group in CMS, and a member of CMS Collaboration Board Advisory Committee.