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Seminars 李政道研究所-粒子核物理研究所联合演讲

Multilepton Signatures from Dark Matter at the LHC

by Dr Arran Freegard (University of Southampton and Queen Mary University of London)

https://cern.zoom.us/j/65127377970?pwd=NmV1Q2dhWG1QNjdLOVgzSmJkVHdRZz09 会议号:651 2737 7970 密码:630432

Dark matter is still one of the greatest puzzles for the particle physics community. Despite the large amount of independent cosmological evidence pointing towards its existence, we still have no concrete collider signal, nor any knowledge of its properties beyond its gravitational interactions. Limitations on the most general Dark Matter signatures at colliders motivates specific searches for clean multilepton plus missing energy signatures. In this talk I present our recent publication and its latest limits on the inert 2-Higgs Doublet model (I2HDM) and Minimal Fermion Dark Matter model (MFDM) for 8/13 TeV pp collisions at the LHC, producing 2-3 leptons plus missing energy final states, using CheckMATE. I will show how 3 lepton final states play an important role, with a leading role in the MFDM case and a new parameterisation closer related to physics couplings than simple mass parameters. We also provide limits and efficiencies for re-interpretation of any scalar of fermion DM model by the community.

Organised by

Junting Huang