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Seminars 李政道研究所-粒子核物理研究所联合演讲

Special Experimental Particle Physics Seminar: Overview of the reactor neutrino experiments

by Dr Zeyuan Yu (于泽源) (Institute of High Energy Physics)

Tsung-Dao Lee library/Fourth Floor-410 - 410# Meeting Room (Tsung-Dao Lee Library)

Tsung-Dao Lee library/Fourth Floor-410 - 410# Meeting Room

Tsung-Dao Lee Library



Reactor neutrinos have played an important role in the neutrino physics, from the discovery of neutrino in 1950s, to the confirmation of neutrino oscillation driven by theta12 in 2000s, and the first observation of neutrino oscillation driven by theta13 by current reactor neutrino experiments, Daya Bay, Double Chooz, and RENO in 2010s. The next generation experiment, JUNO, aims to determine the neutrino mass ordering in 2020s. Besides, the discrepancies between the measured and predicted reactor neutrino rate and energy spectrum are improving the understanding of the nuclear decay data. In this talk, I will give an overview of the reactor neutrino physics and experiments.



Zeyuan Yu obtained his Ph.D in 2013 from Institute of High Energy Physics. Since then he's a staff research member at IHEP. He joined the Daya Bay experiment in 2009, and has made significant contributions to the detector commissioning and data analysis, in particular the detector calibration and reconstruction, the neutrino oscillation analysis and the neutrino spectrum measurement. Currently he serves as the chair of the Analysis Coordinate Committee of Daya Bay.