Tabletop precision measurements provide powerful tools to search for new physics beyond the standard model, such as dark matter and exotic spin-dependent interactions (5th force). The exotic spin-dependent interaction may be mediated by new ultralight bosons, such as axion or Z', which are also proposed as dark matter candidates. In this talk, I will introduce ultra-high sensitivity alkali-noble gas atomic magnetometers and their application in searching for exotic spin-dependent force. Our recent experiments set stringent limits on different terms of exotic forces between electron-electron, neutron-neutron, or electron-proton. These experimental results represent orders of magnitude improvement by other lab-based experiments. For the Z' boson-mediated term, our result can surpass the limits set by astrophysical methods.
Dr. Wei Ji (季伟) is a postdoc researcher in the group of Prof. Dmitry Budker at Helmholtz Institute Mainz in Germany. He obtained his B. Sc. from Jilin University in 2014, and his PhD. from Tsinghua University in 2019 under the supervision of Prof. Haiyan Gao. His research interest includes alkali-noble gas atomic magnetometers, magnetically levitated mesoscopic system, and exotic new physics beyond the standard model such as dark matter and spin-dependent force. So far, he has conducted multiple high-impact studies in the field of atomic magnetometer and spin-dependent exotic interaction, including 3 publications in Physical Review Letters and one publication in Nature Communications as the first or corresponding author, and several other co-authored publications in Science Advances and PRLs, etc.
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