Searching for Dark Matter (DM) is one of the most important task of the elementary particle physics. In this talk, by taking a fermionic DM which can be absorbed by electron target and a vector DM which has distinctive collider signature as examples, I will talking about how they can be searched for at future lepton colliders, as well as complementary advantages of the collider probes compared to the other experimental constraints.
Dr. Kai Ma, Associated Professor at Shaanxi University of Technology, got his Ph.D from KEK in 2015. He was a visiting scholar at the Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS) and CP3 center of the Catholic University of Louvain (UCL), and a Research Fellow at the KEK. He was a postdoctor at the Hangzhou Institute for Advanced Study, CAS. He is interested in collider physics of beyond standard models, and related astrophysical and cosmological phenomenologies.
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