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Seminars 李政道研究所-粒子核物理研究所联合演讲

QCD resummations in the Color Glass Condensate framework

by Prof. Shu-Yi Wei (魏树一) (Shandong University at Qingdao)

Room 410, Tsung-Dao Lee Library

Room 410, Tsung-Dao Lee Library



The gluon saturation phenomenon, predicted by the small-x framework, which is also known as the color glass condensate (CGC) formalism, has been an intriguing forefront research topic. Enormous experimental and theoretical research efforts around the globe have been devoted to this cutting-edge research frontier. CGC is an effective formalism in QCD that describes the novel nonlinear dynamics of low-momentum gluons inside a hadron. In recent works, we incorporated the Sudakov resummation and the threshold resummation into the CGC framework and obtained good descriptions of experimental data for a variety of processes. Therefore, it paves the way for the precision studies of the CGC effective theory.



Shu-Yi Wei got his Ph.D. in 2015 from Shandong University under the supervision of Prof. Zuo-Tang Liang. He was a postdoc at Central China Normal University (2015-2017), Ecole Polytechnique (2017-2019) and ECT* (2019-2021) and is now a researcher at Shandong University at Qingdao (2021-Now). His research interests mainly focus on the gluon saturation physics and spin-dependent fragmentation functions.

Online meeting room:https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/ftlIm2XY6fLg(id: 449233772 passcode: 123456)

Host:Dr. Jun Zeng