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Seminars 李政道研究所-粒子核物理研究所联合演讲

CP violation induced by the interference of intermediate resonances in multi-body decays of heavy hadron

by Prof. Zhen-Hua Zhang (张振华) (University of South China)

410 TDL Library

410 TDL Library



CP violation in multi-body decays of heavy hadron is an hot topic both on theoretical and experimental study in recent years. Some experimental studies on three- and four-body decays of heavy hadron have been conducted by collaborators including LHCb and Belle-II. It has been shown theoretically that the interference of the intermediate resonances has important impact on CP violation corresponding to angular distributions of final particles in such kind of decays. In this talk, I will introduce CP violation caused by the interference of intermediate resonances. In three-body decays of B meson, forward-backward asymmetry induce CPA (FB-CPA) will be introduced, along with an illustration of its correspondence with the interference of resonances with different spin-parities. Moreover, FB-CPA will be generalized to the case of three-body decay of any heavy hadron, meson or baryon. For four-body decay of heavy hadron, an introduction on forward-backward asymmetry (FBA), up-down asymmetry (UDA), and left-right asymmetry (LRA), as well as the corresponding CPAs, will be presented. Take the Lambda_b four-body decay as an example, the relations of those aforementioned CPAs with an intermediate-resonance-interference effect, which is unique to four-body decays, will be specially discussed.



Zhen-Hua Zhang is currently an associated professor at University of South China. He received his undergraduate degree and PHD degree in Beijing Normal University. During the year 2011-2013, he conducted postdoctoral research in Huazhong Normal University, in collaboration with Prof. Xin-Nian Wang and Prof. Ya-Dong Yang. He works on heavy flavor physics and CP violation. In recent years, he focused mainly on CP violation in multi-body decays of heavy hadron.

Online meeting room
https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/Empqxwt7aDVC id: 875600356  passcode: 123456

HostProf. Wei Wang