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Seminars 李政道研究所-粒子核物理研究所联合演讲

Towards Asymptotically Safe Grand Unified Theories

by Dr Zhi-Wei Wang

Zoom: 624053160 (Online Seminar)

Zoom: 624053160

Online Seminar

Online seminar Meeting room: https://zoom.com.cn/j/624053160 Password: 44847907


We study an asymptotically safe Grand Unified theory by adding (many) gauged vector-like fermions. Using large number-of-flavour (Nf) summation techniques, we show that all the gauge couplings, scalar Quartic couplings and Yukawa couplings can achieve an interacting ultraviolet fixed point. At Infrared, both asymptotically safe Pati-Salam model and Trinification model can match the Standard Model couplings at the electroweak scale. Phenomenological implications such as interesting gravitational wave signals generated through strong first order phase transition will be also discussed.

Brief biography:

Dr. Zhi-Wei Wang obtained his PhD at University of Saskatchewan (2012-2016). After that he held a joint postdoctoral fellowship between University of Waterloo, Perimeter Institute in Canada and CP3-Origins center in Denmark (2016-2019). He now works as a postdoctoral fellow fully based at CP3-Origins center. 

 Dr. Zhi-Wei Wang has broad research interests which cover dark matter model building, origin of electroweak symmetry breaking, addressing hierarchy and naturalness problems for the Higgs mass. Recently, he is particularly interested in exploring the phenomenological aspects of asymptotically safe theories. Dr. Zhi-Wei’s research works featuring three publications in the world leading journal Physical Review Letters, and more in high-impact journals Physical Review D and Journal of High Energy Physics.

Dr. Zhi-Wei Wang has also obtained numerous academic awards including the very distinguished Governor General's Academic Gold Medal in 2017 (the highest possible honour bestowed upon students for academic achievement during PhD in Canada presented by the educational institution on behalf of the Governor General).