Invited Talks
- 刚 陈 (中国科学院高能物理研究所)
Invited Talks
- Jianglai Liu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Invited Talks
- 法制 齐 (中科院高能所)
Invited Talks
- Qiang Li (Peking University)
Invited Talks
- Zhengyun You (Sun Yat-sen University)
Invited Talks
- Liang Li (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Invited Talks
- Shengsen Sun (Institute of High Energy Physics)
Invited Talks
- Shaobo WANG
This talk will give an overview of the computational metholds used in the ATLAS experiment, a general-purpose detector experiment at Large Hardon Collider. Upon the collision of proton-proton bunches, microscopic interations take place. Physicists have to rely on sophiscated software program applied to computational hardware to take raw data from detector, trigger on and store interesting...
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a multi-purpose experiment under construction in southeast China, designed to determine the neutrino mass ordering, precisely measure neutrino oscillation parameters, and probe the fundamental properties of the neutrinos by detection of solar. supernova, atmospheric and geo-neutrinos.
JUNO is equipped with a 20 kton liquid scintillator...
The Muon g-2 experiment at Fermilab aims to measure the muon anomalous magnetic moment with an unprecedented precision of 140 ppb. In 2021, the first result of the experiment confirmed the previous measurement and increased the deviation with the Standard Model predicition to 4.2 sigma. The size of the first dataset is at multi-petabyte-size level and the final dataset is expected to be 20...
The CEPC (Circular Electron Positron Collider) is a future experiment to explore the properties of the Higgs bosons, as well as the W and Z bosons. Initially, the experiment utilized the iLCSoft software, which served as the foundation for the completion of the CEPC conceptual design report. To facilitate further research and development activities, the experiment has decided to develop a new...
PandaX-4T is a 4-tonne scale liquid xenon experiment located in CJPL. It aims to search for elusive dark matter particles, Majorana neutrinos and astrophysical neutrinos. PandaX-4T has completed the detector construction and the subsequent commissioning run in 2021, and more physics data are being collected and analyzed now. To fulfill the requirements for multiple physics topics, a series of...
量子计算机是利用量子态的叠加性和纠缠性信息进行运算和处理的机器,其利用强并行性,打开了提升计算效率的完全不同的技术路径。在高能物理领域,量子计算的应用研究已经进行了多年,特别是CERN 量子技术计划 (CERN QTI)在2021年10月公布长期量子研究计划的路线图,促进了量子技术在高能物理学领域的应用。本报告主要集中于介绍量子机器学习的基本原理,以及目前在高能物理实验数据处理中的应用状态,包括粒子鉴别、图像处理、数据分析、径迹重建和快速模拟等领域。通过讨论量子计算机可能对机器学习带来的“量子优越性”,探索高能物理实验数据处理中使用量子计算机的可行性。
A brief introduction of software and computing in the LHC CMS experiment will be given, including the history, current status and future prospects towards HL-LHC.
ChatGPT demonstrates extraordinary emergent abilities in complex reasoning and language generation. In this talk we introduce Big Bang Transformer[乾元], a pretrained LLM trained on blend of general text, scientific papers and code datasets. We discuss how LLMs acquire emergent abilities by instruct finetuning and RLHF. We propose to use statistical mechanics principles to study the fundamental...