We have developed an end-to-end data analysis framework, HEP ML Lab (HML), based on Python for signal-background analysis in high-energy physics research. It offers essential interfaces and shortcuts for event generation, dataset creation, and method application.
With the HML API, a large volume of collision events can be generated in sequence under different settings. The representations...
The PandaX-4T event viewer is a dedicated integrated GUI program for visualizing data information, especially the waveform and charge distribution of detected signals, which has already become a powerful and indispensable supporting tool in the PandaX-4T experiment. In this talk, I will present two versions of viewer software used during PandaX-4T data analysis based on different motivations...
PandaX-4T是一个多物理目标的液氙探测器实验。随着合作组规模的增大,需要一套工具来提供合作组内部的资源共享,提高合作组成员间的交流效率。在这个报告中,我们介绍PandaX内部使用的IT工具,如Mattermost、Docs、Gitlab以及Digital-Logbook等。它们以IPA为核心,以PandaX Account作为认证接口。Mattermost作为沟通、组织协作的工具,它大大提高了我们内部沟通的效率;Docs替代了之前的Fermilab DocDB,解决了用户密码共用、中文乱码、搜索功能差以及浪费磁盘空间等问题,极大地改善了用户体验;...