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by Prof. Wenyu Wang(王雯宇) (Beijing University of Technology)

Room 410 (Tsung-Dao Lee Library)

Room 410

Tsung-Dao Lee Library



If dark matter has a finite size, the intrinsic interaction responsible for the structure formation is inevitable from the perspective of dark matter self-scattering. The validity of Born approximation and Sommerfeld enhancement are studied. The numerical results show that Sommerfeld enhancement are reduced to much small value in case of puffy dark matter.  To describe the circumstance in which the binding force realizes the finite size dark protons, The eikonal approximation were used to simplify the convoluted scattering between dark protons. The Chou-Yang model is then introduced to reduce the number of input parameters to one based on the simplicity and analyticity principle. A new definition of velocity dependence and the corresponding implications on the small cosmological structures from Chou-Yang dark protons are shown clearly. Even though the parameter space is not fully covered, the numerical findings show that the amplitude coefficient can alter the self-scattering cross section, allowing us to recover the excluded parameter space without using binding force.



Professor Wenyu Wang received his bachelor degree in Physics Education from Henan Normal University in 2003 and PhD from the Institute of Theoretical Physics, CAS in 2008. He Joined Beijing University of Technology in 2008. He is mainly doing research on physics beyond standard model, supersymmetry and phenomenology of dark matter. Recently he focuses on the self-interaction between dark matter and the cosmic ray boosted dark matter etc. He has organized the Electrodynamics Course Symposium 2013, pQCD Symposium 2015, the Autumn Conference of Chinese Physics Society 2016, BJUT School-Workshop on Knotted Fields 2019.

Online meeting room https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/5zQrzclag5GZ 

(id: 279428090 passcode: 123456