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Seminars 李政道研究所-粒子核物理研究所联合演讲

Majorana Neutrinos, Lepton Number Violation and Double Beta Decay

by Prof. Frank Franz Deppisch (University College London (UCL, UK))

Tsung-Dao Lee Institute/N6F-N630 - Smart Classroom (Tsung-Dao Lee Institute)

Tsung-Dao Lee Institute/N6F-N630 - Smart Classroom

Tsung-Dao Lee Institute



The nature of neutrinos and the mechanism of generating their tiny masses are among the most important unknowns in fundamental physics. Being the only electrically neutral fermions in the Standard Model, neutrinos can be of Majorana nature, i.e., particle and antiparticle are indistinguishable. As such, any U(1) quantum number carried by a Majorana fermion will be violated and in the context of the Standard Model, Majorana neutrinos will break total lepton number, an otherwise accidental global symmetry. I will discuss scenarios beyond the Standard Model where Majorana neutrinos are realized, as well as scenarios that incorporate so-called quasi-Dirac Majorana states. As the most important probe of Majorana neutrinos, I will focus on neutrinoless double beta decay as the crucial signature, and I will discuss the latest theoretical and experimental developments.



SUBJECT AREA                   Theoretical Particle Physics

RESEARCH TOPICS             Physics beyond the Standard Model, Model building and phenomenology, Neutrinos, Lepton number and flavour violation, High energy colliders, Supersymmetry, Grand unified theories, Effective field theories, Cosmology



OCT 2019 –                     Professor, University College London (UCL, UK)

SEP 2015 – SEP 2019           Associate Professor, UCL

JAN 2011 – AUG 2015         Lecturer (Assistant Professor), UCL

OCT 2007 – JAN 2011        Post-doctoral Research Associate, U. of Manchester (UK)

SEP 2005 – SEP 2007           Post-doctoral Research Fellow, DESY Hamburg (Germany)

MAY 2003 – NOV 2003       Marie Curie Fellow, IFIC Valencia (Spain)

JAN 2001 – AUG 2005         Research Assistant, U. of Würzburg (Germany)


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