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Seminars 李政道研究所-粒子核物理研究所联合演讲

Multi-boson studies at the LHC CMS experiment

by Prof. Qiang Li(李强) (Peking University)

#5-Meeting room 603 (Science Building)

#5-Meeting room 603

Science Building



Multi-bosons physics can only be studied in great detail at the high energy colliders such as the Large Hadron Collider.  In this talk, I will review recent studies on multi-boson physics at the LHC CMS experiment, including, precision measurements on the di-boson processes and probes on anomalous couplings, measuring polarised di-boson productions and CP-odd EFTs; discoveries of several tri-boson and vector boson scattering productions and their sensitivities on BSM,  development and applications of boson taggers into searching for heavy resonances two-boson and three-boson final states.



Dr. Qiang Li is a tenured associate professor, and the deputy head of the Technical Physic Department, at the School of Physics, Peking University. He received support from the National Fund for Outstanding Youth in 2023. He has long been committed to multi-boson physics research at the LHC CMS experiment. His recent achievements include: the first observation and discovery of several vector boson scattering and polarisation scattering processes; development and applications of multi-boson taggers, such as searching for new particles beyond the Standard Model through two-boson and three-boson processes. Qiang has also been committed to the software and physics research of future colliders, and proposed new types of collisions, such as possible electron-muon and neutrino-lepton colliders, for which he received support from the NSFC Original Exploration fund in 2021. He took level-2 convenerships under the CMS Physics Generator and Computational Software release planning groups. Since 2023, he has served as an advisory member of the CMS Collaboration Committee and a member of the CMS School Committee.

HostProf. Weihao Wu

Alternative online link: https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/HEqsErdxsB9H

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