Addressing QCD scattering processes theoretically requires a real-time, nonperturbative method. It is well known that the Schwinger model [QED in (1+1) dimensions] shares many common properties with QCD, including confinement, chiral symmetry breaking, and the existence of vacuum fermion condensate. As a step in developing such an approach, we report here on fully quantum simulations, using classical devices, of a massive Schwinger model. We study the chiral condensate and entanglement entropy caused by jet propagation[2301.11991]. We also explore the propagation of vector and axial charge, i.e., CMW, and observe different oscillation frequencies[2305.05685]. The phase structure of the Schwinger model at finite temperature and chemical potential will also be discussed[2305.00996].
Shuzhe Shi is currently an Assistant Professor at Department of Physics, Tsinghua University. He obtained his bachelor(2012) and master(2015) degrees from Tsinghua under the supervision of Prof. Pengfei Zhuang. Then he received the Ph.D.(2018) from Indiana Univ., Bloomington, supervised by Prof. Jinfeng Liao. After that, he became PostDoc researchers at McGill Univ.(2021) and Stony Brook Univ.(2023). His research focus on novel transport phenomena in heavy ion collisions, as well as applying machine learning and quantum computation methods in nuclear physics.
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