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Seminars 李政道研究所-粒子核物理研究所联合演讲

Solving the small-x negative cross section problem

by Prof. Xiaohui Liu (Beijing Normal University)

Zoom: 624053160 (Online seminarBeijing Normal UniversityBeijing Normal UniversityBeijing Normal University)

Zoom: 624053160

Online seminarBeijing Normal UniversityBeijing Normal UniversityBeijing Normal University

Online seminar Meeting room: https://zoom.com.cn/j/624053160 Password: 44847907


In the high energy limit (small-x), the gluon density grows dramatically. The gluon recombination becomes equally important to the splitting, which leads to the gluon saturation. To unambiguously establish the phenomenon, reliable theoretical predictions in the small-x region are crucial but yet missing. We highlight the importance of the power counting in establishing correct higher order calculations within the color glass condensate formalism, by solving the long standing negative cross section problem in the forward hadron production.  

Liu, Xiaohui, assistant professor at Beijing Normal University. His main interests focus on the precision QCD applications to the collider phenomenology. He got his Ph.D from University of Pittsburgh. Before joining BNU, he held postdoc research positions at Argonne National Lab, Northwestern University and University of Maryland, College Park.