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by Prof. Yu-Kuo Hsiao (Shanxi Normal University)

Zoom: 624053160 (Online seminar)

Zoom: 624053160

Online seminar

Online seminar Meeting room: https://zoom.com.cn/j/624053160 Password: 44847907


 In this talk, I would like to present our recent study of the $D_s^+\to \pi^+(a_0(980)^0\to)\pi^0\eta$, $\pi^0(a_0(980)^+\to)\pi^+\eta$ decays, which have been recently measured by the BESIII collaboration. We propose that $D_s^+\to \pi^{+(0)}(a_0(980)^{0(+)}\to)\pi^{0(+)}\eta$ receives the main contribution from the triangle rescattering process, where $\eta$ and $\rho^+$ in $D_s^+\to \eta \rho^+$, by exchanging $\pi^{0(+)}$, are formed as $a_0(980)^{0(+)}$ and $\pi^{+(0)}$, respectively. Accordingly, we calculate that ${\cal B}(D_s^+\to a_0(980)^{0(+)}\pi^{+(0)})=(1.7\pm 0.4)\times 10^{-2}$ and ${\cal B}(D_s^+\to \pi^{+(0)}(a_0(980)^{0(+)}\to)\pi^{0(+)}\eta)=(1.5\pm 0.3)\times 10^{-2}$, in agreement with the data.

Brief biography:

萧佑国,台湾大学博士,台湾清华大学理论中心研究学者。于2006-2007年在加拿大 TRIUMF 国家实验室任职访问科学家。重庆海外百人计划与山西百人计划入选者,现为山西师范大学物信学院特聘全职教授。在国际顶级期刊发表学术论文约60篇,同时是多个国际著名期刊审稿人。主要专长是粒子物理唯象学,研究粲强子衰变、底夸克重子衰变,重子型B介子衰变,与相关的CP破坏、时间反演破坏、三体与四体衰变的角分布分析;同时探究四、五夸克态与胶球共振态。