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30 May 2024 to 2 June 2024
Southeast University (Sipailou Campus)
Asia/Shanghai timezone

A mechanism relating the fermionic mass hierarchy to the flavor mixing

31 May 2024, 18:45
Huifang Hall, Liu Yuan Hotel (榴园宾馆荟芳厅)

Huifang Hall, Liu Yuan Hotel (榴园宾馆荟芳厅)


jinlei yang (Hebei University)


Considering the hierarchical structure of fermionic masses and the fermionic flavor mixing puzzles in the Standard Model, we propose to relate them by the see-saw mechanism, i.e. only the third generation of quarks and charged leptons achieve the masses at the tree level, the first two generations achieves masses through the mixings with the third generation, and the neutrinos achieve tiny Majorana masses by the so-called Type-I see-saw mechanism. This new picture at the fermion sector can explain simultaneously the flavor mixing puzzle and mass hierarchy puzzle in the SM. In addition, a flavor-dependent model (FDM) is proposed to realize the new mechanism, and observing the top quark rare decay processes t\to ch, t\to uh and the lepton flavor violation processes \mu\to3e,\;\tau\to3e,\;\mu\to3\mu is effective to test the proposed FDM.

Primary author

jinlei yang (Hebei University)

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