30 May 2024 to 2 June 2024
Southeast University (Sipailou Campus)
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Extreme mass ratio inspirals in evolving nuclear star clusters

2 Jun 2024, 13:30
Lecture Hall, 3rd floor, Qunxian Building (群贤楼三楼报告厅)

Lecture Hall, 3rd floor, Qunxian Building (群贤楼三楼报告厅)

Oral talk Astrophysics


Fupeng Zhang


Recently we have build a Monte-Carlo method that can obtain self-consistent solutions of an evolving nuclear star cluster that contains a central massive black hole. Our method evolves the orbits of stellar objects by solving two-dimensional (energy and angular momentum) Fokker-Planck equations given multiple mass components. In this study we apply our method to investigate the evolution of the rates of extreme mass ratio inspirals over cosmic time.

Primary author


Prof. Pau Amaro Seoane (Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain)

Presentation materials