30 May 2024 to 2 June 2024
Southeast University (Sipailou Campus)
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Constraining Bosonic Dark Matter-Baryon Interactions from Neutron Star Collapse

31 May 2024, 13:30
413 Zhongshan Col. (中山院413)

413 Zhongshan Col. (中山院413)

Oral talk Astrophysics


Dr Arvind Kumar Mishra (Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China)


Dark matter (DM) may be captured around a neutron star (NS) through DM-nucleon interactions. We observe that the enhancement of such capturing is particularly significant when DM-nucleon scattering cross-section depends on the relative velocity and/or momentum transfer. This increment could potentially lead to the formation of a black hole within the typical lifetime of the NS. As the black hole grows through the accretion of matter from the NS, it ultimately results in the collapse of the host. Utilizing the existing pulsar data J0437-4715 and J2124-3858, we derive the stringent constraints on the DM-nucleon scattering cross-section across a broad range of DM masses.

Paper info arXiv:2404.07187 [hep-ph]

Primary author

Dr Arvind Kumar Mishra (Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China)


Dr Chih-Ting Lu (Nanjing Normal University, China) Prof. Lei Wu (Nanjing Normal University, China)

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