- Lorenzo Calibbi
We describe the SM quark/lepton masses in an SU(8) theory, where three-generational SM fermions are non-trivially embedded. A set of d=5 operators that break the emergent global symmetries in the chiral fermion sector due to the Planck scale effects are sufficient to generate the light SM quark/lepton masses as well as the CKM mixing pattern, with one single SM Higgs doublet in the spectrum.
In view of both the latest LHCb measurement of $R_{K^{(*)}}$ and the new $2.7\sigma$ deviation reported by Belle II on $B^{+}\to K^{+}\nu\bar{\nu}$ decays, we present a fit to the $B$ meson anomalies for various one and two dimensional hypothesis including complex Wilson coefficients. We show in a model-independent way that the generic non-universal $U(1)^{\prime}$ extensions of the SM,...