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by Prof. Cong Geng (耿聪) (Sun Yat-sen University)

Tsung-Dao Lee Institute/N6F-N600 - Lecture Room (Tsung-Dao Lee Institute)

Tsung-Dao Lee Institute/N6F-N600 - Lecture Room

Tsung-Dao Lee Institute



After the upgrade of BEPC-II, BESIII experiment has accumulated about 5.6 fb-1 samples in the energy region covering charmed baryon productions. With these samples, BESIII has carried out elaborated studies on charmed baryon Λ_c^+, containing the aspects of production and decay. In this presentation, the recent progress on the studies of hadronic decays of Λ_c^+ will be reported, focusing on the decay modes Λ_c^+→nπ^+ and Λ_c^+→pπ^0. These two modes are essential for the understanding of decay mechanism of charmed baryons, and the new results are helpful to clarify some puzzles. Then, the excited charmed baryons 〖Λ_c (2595)〗^+ and 〖Λ_c (2625)〗^+ were recently observed at BESIII, and the measurements on their interesting production cross sections and decay branching fractions will be reported. 


Cong Geng (耿聪),associated professor of School of Physics,Sun Yat-sen University (中山大学). Cong has been working on high energy physics, especially on collider physics. Cong joined the BESIII Collaboration in 2009 and got his Ph.D. at USTC with the thesis work at BESIII experiment. Later, he became a postdoctor in University of Michigan and participated in the ATLAS collaboration in 2014. Majority of his research was conducted on diboson ZZ production, including measurements of Higgs coupling, standard model diboson production, VBS searches, High-mass Higgs and Higgs invisibly decay searches, etc. Since 2019, he joined the Sun Yat-sen University. He put his most efforts on the charmed baryon physics at BESIII. So far, he has already published more than 25 Collaboration papers, as the contact or core author.

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