The Very Large Area gamma-ray Space Telescope (VLAST) is a mission concept proposed to detect gamma-ray photons through both the Compton scattering and electron-positron pair production mechanisms, enabling the detection of photons with energies ranging from MeV to TeV. VLAST is designed to have an acceptance of 10 m^2 sr which is four times larger than Fermi-LAT, an energy resolution of ~2%...
This talk plans to introduce a couple of recent new phenomenologies and cosmology related to the QCD phase transition epoch, coupled to Beyond the Standard Model, in the thermal history of the universe. Baryogenesis, strong CP problem, and gravitational wave predictions will be covered in scenarios of this class, which can also be embedded into the scalegenesis to address the dynamical origin...
In this talk, I will discuss the excellent potential of neutrino neutral current interaction with 13C in neutrino experiments. The interaction induces the excited state 13C* subsequently emitting a 3.685 MeV photon from the de-excitation into the ground state. The probe of this distinctive signal can shed light in identifying the origin of the 5 MeV bump observed in reactor anti-neutrino...