We discuss ways to extend the Standard Model quantum chromodynamics theory (QCD) theory and realize a first-order phase transition at high temperatures above 1 GeV without running into current constraints from heavy ion colliders and early cosmology. The phase transition is from a non-perturbative effect of the QCD. It can greatly impact the early universe, including gravitational wave signals...
The decay of the mediator particle into standard model (SM) particles
plays a significant role in exploring the dark sector scenario. We consider such a decay, taking the dark photon mediator as an example that mixes with the SM photon. We find that it requires a careful analysis of the decay rate in the presence of an SM vector boson
(e.g., Z boson, hadronic resonances, etc.) nearly...
An analytic calculation is given for binary star evaporation under the tidal perturbation from randomly distributed, spatially extended dark objects. In particular, the Milky Way's wide binary star population is susceptible to such disruption from dark matter solitons. We identify high-probability `halo-like' wide binaries in GAIA EDR3 with separations larger than 0.1 parsec. Survival of the...
The chiral phase transition in QCD can be supercooled in the thermal history of the universe to be instantaneously out-of equilibrium, if QCD is coupled to a dark QCD sector exhibiting the dark chiral phase transition of the first order. In that case the QCD sigma meson field (as the chiral order parameter, or the light quark condensate) starts to roll in a nonadiabatic way down to the true...
The electroweak (EW) phase transition in the early Universe might be supercooled due to the presence of the classical scale invariance involving Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) sectors and the supercooling could persist down till a later epoch around which the QCD chiral phase transition is supposed to take place. Since this supercooling period keeps masslessness for all the six SM quarks, it...
We propose a hybrid inflationary scenario based on eight-flavor hidden QCD with the hidden colored fermions being in part gauged under $U(1)_{B-L}$. This hidden QCD is almost scale-invariant, so-called walking, and predicts the light scalar meson (the walking dilaton) associated with the spontaneous scale breaking, which develops
the Coleman-Weinberg (CW) type potential as the consequence...
The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) has revolutionized our ability to study black holes by providing unprecedented spatial resolution and unveiling horizon-scale details. With advancements leading to the next-generation EHT, there is potential to probe even deeper into the black hole's dark region, especially the inner shadow characterized by low-intensity foreground emissions from the jet,...