NICER, the Neutron Star Interior Composition Explorer, is an X-ray telescope on the International Space Station. Its primary mission is to study the nature of the densest matter in the Universe, found in the cores of neutron stars. NICER uses Pulse Profile Modeling, a technique that exploits relativistic effects on X-rays emitted from the hot magnetic polar caps of millisecond pulsars. The technique also lets us map the hot emitting regions, which form as magnetospheric particles slam into the stellar surface. I will present NICER's latest results and discuss the implications for our understanding of ultradense matter, pulsar emission, and stellar magnetic fields. I will also look ahead to the next generation of X-ray telescopes that will exploit the Pulse Profile Modelling technique.
Anna Watts is Professor in High Energy Astrophysics at the University of Amsterdam. Her group studies neutron stars, in particular the dense nuclear matter in their cores and the violent dynamical events such as starquakes and magnetic or thermonuclear explosions that they undergo on a regular basis.
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