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by Ms Dan Zhang (Univ.of Maryland),Dr. Xiaopeng Zhou, (BUAA)

Zoom: https://zoom.com.cn/j/67544142295 会议密码: 128591

Zoom: https://zoom.com.cn/j/67544142295 会议密码: 128591

Zoom: https://zoom.com.cn/j/67544142295


We will report our searches on dark matter particles using the newly published data taken by PandaX-II detector spanning over three years with several refined algorithms applied. We do not see any significant excess in the classic search ROI of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) with a 132 ton-day exposure, and 90% upper limits for WIMPs spin-independent cross section are set to 2.0×10-46 cm2 when m_chi = 15 GeV/c2. In light of the recent excess reported by XENON1T, we also performed searches on solar axions and neutrinos with enhanced magnetic moment based on our robust data-driven estimates of the dominant backgrounds in the low energy region. In the 100.7 ton-day exposure, the observed excess from XENON1T is within our experimental constraints.

Joint Speaker:

Dan Zhang is a Ph.D candidate in the Physics Department at University of Maryland, College Park. She received her bachelor degree from the SJTU Physics Honor Program in 2017, and was awarded the Shanghai Outstanding Graduates. Her main research interest is to search dark matter particles with dual-phase liquid xenon detectors. She is the key contributor of the dark matter analysis of PandaX-II full exposure data.
Dr. Xiaopeng Zhou received his bachelor degree from Beihang University in 2013 and completed his PhD from Peking University in 2018. His thesis topic is the first search of axion in PandaX-II. He is currently a postdoc fellow at School of Physics, Beihang University, continuing his research on PandaX, serving as the deputy analysis coordinator for PandaX-4T. Dr. Zhou was one of the recipients of the Zhao Zhongyao postdoc fellowship from CCEPP in 2020.