The discovery of neutrino oscillation, a phenomenon in which neutrinos with a specific flavor have non-zero probability to be observed at a different flavor sometime later, has opened a door to physics beyond the Standard Model, as it indicates that neutrinos have non-zero masses. Various experiments have been designed to measure the oscillation parameters in the PMNS matrix which describes three-flavor mixing. Super-Kamiokande, a water Cherenkov neutrino detector that is located 1km below Mount Ikeno in Japan, is able to observe neutrinos from various sources (e.g. solar neutrinos, atmospheric neutrinos and supernovae neutrinos). Another experiment in Japan, called T2K (Tokai-to-Kamioka), is a long baseline experiment that uses neutrinos which are produced by the accelerator at J-PARC and propagate ~295km through the earth and are finally observed at Super-Kamiokande. T2K chooses the baseline and beam neutrino energy in a way that is most sensitive to PMNS parameters θ_23 and CP violation phase. A joint analysis of these two experiments can improve upon SK's sensitivity to the neutrino mass ordering in atmospheric neutrinos by including T2K's sensitivity to CP violation phase. This talk presents the first Bayesian joint analysis of SK-IV atmospheric data and the T2K run 1-10 beam data, which were publicly released in October, 2023.
Dr.Jiang received her Bachelor degree in physics at the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2017 and her PhD in particle physics at the Stony Brook University in 2024 with the thesis project of a joint oscillation analysis using T2K beam neutrinos and SK atmospheric neutrinos. She is interested in analysis, reconstruction and R&D work in neutrino and related experiments.
Host: Prof. Junting Huang
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