Shu's weekly group discussion

Tsung-Dao Lee Institute/N6F-N631 - Smart Classroom (Tsung-Dao Lee Institute)

Tsung-Dao Lee Institute/N6F-N631 - Smart Classroom

Tsung-Dao Lee Institute

Also at Room 603, New Science Building #5, Minhang Campus




    • 14:30 14:40
      Status 10m
      Speaker: Zelin Yan (Wuhan Univ. & TDLI, SJTU)
    • 14:40 14:50
      Status 10m
      Speaker: Bai-Hong Zhou (TDLI, SJTU)


      • Xbb tagger
        • Prepare the introduction slides for meeting;
      • Dark SHINE Fast Simulation
        • Check the Calo-VQ results(From VQ-VAE to Calo-VQ)
      • tri-Higgs
        • Check the Ntuple produced before;
      • Quantum Entanglement in ttbar:
        • Check the leptonic ML;
    • 14:50 15:00
      Status 10m
      Speaker: Xuliang Zhu (TDLI, SJTU)

      Inclusive produciton: gmm_target, gmm_ecal, pn_target


      limit setting using pyhf: order of magnitude same with formula. (Using asymptotic fit)

      • Use toybased

      H2a4b: athGen production of scalar singlet llp model, checked lifetime in pythia output


    • 15:00 15:10
      Status 10m
      Speaker: Zhiyu Zhao (TDLI, SJTU)
    • 15:10 15:20
      Status 10m
      Speaker: Danning Liu (TDLI, SJTU)
    • 15:20 15:30
      Status 10m
      Speaker: Zhen Wang (TDLI, SJTU)
    • 15:30 15:40
      Status 10m
      Speaker: Qibin LIU (TDLI, SJTU)
    • 15:40 15:50
      Status 10m
      Speaker: Ngoc Khanh Vu (TDLI, SJTU)

      Run-3 DP search:

      • Building up the preliminary fit configuration.


      • Will check availability of Run-3 samples: mc23, DAOD PHYS(LITE), p6266

      HWW QE:

      • Will need to discuss which aspects of the analysis that our TDLI team will contribute in.

      Xbb gbb calibration:

      • testing new fit setup.
      • Checking post-fit distribution of the GN2X discriminant score for validation.
    • 15:50 16:00
      Status 10m
      Speaker: Rui Yuan (TDLI, SJTU)


      HCAL hardware: successfully extend the two coincident trigger from 40 ns to 100 ns with a FPGA (in P.E test, two scintillator is used to proved trigger along with fifo and LTD)

      4GeV optimization (HCAL related part): work with Chunxiang to define the cuts on HCAL related variables



      work with Xuliang to check LLP H2a4b signal, have shown to theorists and need to check more variables. also check other channel for H2a4b

      work with Zelin/Zhen to keep develop the easyjet based framework



      prepare workflow from signal WS -> spurious signal check -> prepare final WS for fitting

    • 16:00 16:10
      Status 10m
      Speaker: Tong Sun (TDLI, SJTU)

      positron on target:

      • write a new code to plot the limits that has a brief experiment data input( a json file).
      • extracted the NA64 data of positron on target.
      • checking the performance cut of trak finding.
    • 16:10 16:40
      REU: Undergrad Research Discussions
      • 16:10
        Status 10m
        Speakers: 丰伊 蒋, 思谙 杨 (上海科技大学)
      • 16:20
        Status 20m
        Speakers: Xiaobin Zhang (SPA, SJTU), yuming lin (SPA, SJTU)