The field of axion physics has garnered significant attention in recent years. This is not only due to the absence of evidence for new heavy elementary particles, but also because the category of axion-like particles could elegantly account for several of our key observations, such as dark matter. In this presentation, I will provide an overview of the ongoing and forthcoming experimental endeavors aimed at detecting axions and, more broadly, axion-like particles, with a particular emphasis on searches conducted at the LHC. While we have not yet discovered any evidence of axion-like particles, these experiments may enable us to explore high-frequency gravitational waves, which will also be briefly discussed.
Prof. Dr. Matthias Schott, earned his Ph.D. in Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich in 2007 and conducted research as a CERN Senior Research Fellow and Research Staff (LD) from 2008 to 2012. From 2012 to 2019, he had been the Emmy-Noether Group Leader at Univ. of Mainz with the prestigous Lichtenberg Professorship of Volkswagen Foundation and later on the W1/W2 professorship with tenure. In 2019, he was promoted to W3 professorship at Univ. of Mainz and later on moved to Univ. of Bonn in 2024.
Prof. Schott's research focuses on electroweak precision measurements in particular the measurement of the W boson mass at LHC-ATLAS, and further extended towards searches for axion-like particles and detector developments. He is also involved in the study of non-perturbative effects within Quantum Chromodynamics, the study of heavy ion collisions as well as lab-based searches for gravitational waves. This is complemented by the development of agent based models and deep learning algorithms in the context of fundamental physics.
He has received numerous prestigious awards and grants with international reputations:
Henriette Herz Scout Award of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, ERC Consolidator Grant for the LightAtLHC, Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship at UCL, Fulbright Research and Teaching Scholarship at MIT.
and important leaderships in large international collaborations:
Convener of the ATLAS Standard Model Physics Group,
Convener of the LPCC Electroweak Precision Working Group,
Run and Physics Coordinator of the OSQAR Experiment,
Collaboration Board Chair of the FASER Experiment.
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