Deciphering the origin of collective phenomena in small colliding systems is one of contemporary focuses in heavy-ion physics. It entails penetrating the barrier between two previously separated research topics: thermalization/hydrodynamization and phenomenological studies of collectivity. I first review some recent progress in understanding thermalization/hydrodynamization in large colliding systems, centralized on bottom-up thermalization. Then, using a simple kinetic theory I demonstrate how the investigation of hydrodynamization is intertwined with the study of flow in small colliding systems.
Bin Wu, the Ramón y Cajal researcher at the Galician Institute of High Energy Physics (IGFAE), University of Santiago de Compostela in Spain. I obtained my PhD in theoretical physics from Peking University in 2010. My research focuses on theoretical issues in the strong interaction, especially jet quenching and thermalization/hydrodynamization in heavy-ion physics. Before I joined IGFAE in 2021, I had studied and worked in Columbia University and the Ohio State University in USA, Bielefeld University and Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies in Germany, Institute of Theoretical Physics (IPhT) - Paris-Saclay University in France and CERN.
Host: Prof. Yifeng Sun
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