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Seminars 李政道研究所-粒子核物理研究所联合演讲

An anomaly-free leptophilic axion-like particle and its flavour violating tests

by Prof. Chengcheng Han (Sun Yat-sen University)





Motivated by the recent Xenon1T result, we study a leptophilic flavour-dependent anomaly-free axion-like particle (ALP) and its effects on charged-lepton flavour violation (CLFV). We present two representative models. The first one considers that the ALP origins from the flavon that generates the charged-lepton masses. The second model assumes a larger flavour symmetry such that more general mixings in the charged-lepton are possible, while maintaining flavour-dependent ALP couplings. We find that a keV ALP explaining the Xenon1T result is still viable for lepton flavour violation and stellar cooling astrophysical limits. On the other hand, if the Xenon1T result is confirmed, future CLFV measurements can be complementary to probe such a possibility.

Brief biography:  

2020-now  Associate Professor at Sun Yat-sen University(SYSU)

2019-2020 Korea Institute for Advanced Study(KIAS) 

2015-2019 Kavli Institute for the physics and mathematics of the universe(Kavli IPMU)

2014-2015 Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical physics(APCTP)

2009-2014 Institute of theoretical physics(ITP)   Ph.D. candidate

My interests include particle cosmology, supersymmetry theory and phenomenology, dark matter physics. 


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