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Seminars 李政道研究所-粒子核物理研究所联合演讲

High Energy Collider & Synchrotron Radiation Light Source

by Prof. QIN Qing (秦庆) (Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS )

Tsung-Dao Lee library/Fourth Floor-410 - 410# Meeting Room (Tsung-Dao Lee Library)

Tsung-Dao Lee library/Fourth Floor-410 - 410# Meeting Room

Tsung-Dao Lee Library

Zoom link: https://zoom.com.cn/j/97821287425 Meeting ID: 978 212 87425 Password: 894947


Modern accelerators, especially storage ring-based facilities, play more and more essential roles in big sciences, from fundamental researches to multi-disciplinary studies in all scientific frontiers. In this seminar, lepton high energy colliders and synchrotron radiation light source are introduced as the backbones ofhigh energy physics and applied science facilities, with their design studies and progresses presented. Some key technologies related to these new trends of the development of accelerators are also introduced.



Professor QIN Qing (秦庆), Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, has been engaged in modern accelerator physics and technology study for more than 30 years. He joined the team of Beijing Electron Positron Collider (BEPC) from the beginning of beam commissioning, and made great efforts on its operation, upgrading to the BEPCII, and managing the facility to its design goal in 2016. He was also in charge of the R&D of the High Energy Photon Source (HEPS) and the project of HEPS for 6 years. He was granted National Science Fund of China for Distinguished Young Scholars in 2007, and awarded the State Council Expert for Special Allowance of Chinese government in 2016. Besides, he also got the first class of National Prize for Progress in Science and Technology of China as a key person in the BEPCII team. He is now the accelerator director of the Higgs Factory, CEPC project.

In recent years, he served the international machine advisory committees of CERN/LHC, MAX IV in Lund, SuperKEKB in KEK, SKIF & SuperC-Tau in BINP, and the scientific & tech committees of BEPC, CSNS, HALF, SHINE, HIAF in China. He was also the adjunct professor of USTC, PKU, and the distinguished professor of UCAS. Before the deputy of the Scientific Advisory Board of IHEP he is holding, he was the deputy institute director of IHEP and the head of Accelerator Division of IHEP.

Zoom link: https://zoom.com.cn/j/97821287425
Meeting ID: 978 212 87425
Password: 894947