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by Prof. Hong Zhang (张宏) (Shandong University, Qingdao campus)

5#/6th-603 - Meeting Room 603 (Science Building)

5#/6th-603 - Meeting Room 603

Science Building



Ultralight scalars and vectors are popular dark matter candidates.They could extract energy and angular momentum from a Kerr black hole (BH) if the wave length is comparable to the size of BH horizon, forming a sizeable condensate around the host BH. The growth of the condensate, together with its gravitational wave radiation, provides a model-independent strategy to search for these new particles. In this talk, I will introduce the evolution of the BH-condensate system and its gravitational wave emission. The effect of accretion will also be discussed.

Biography: Hong Zhang received his bachelor’s degree in Physics from USTC in 2008. Then he moved to the United States and received his Ph.D. at Stony Brook University in New York in 2014. Later, he worked as a postdoc, first at Ohio State University and then at Munich Technical University. In 2019, he joined Shandong University, Qingdao campus. He is interested in effective field theories and their applications on heavy quarkonium and axions.

Host: Prof. Ning Zhou 

Alternative online link: https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/qZYv32eYbTOc (id: 687958158  passcode: 123456