Date: April 10-11, 2025
Location: Tsung-Dao Lee Institute, Shanghai, China (followed by a 1.5-day guided visit to China Jinping Lab on April 12th)
PandaX (Particle and Astrophysical Xenon project, is an experimental program which employs a series of xenon detectors to search for elusive dark matter particles and to study the fundamental properties of neutrinos. Up to now, the collaboration has constructed and operated three generation of experiments, PandaX-I, PandaX-II, and PandaX-4T, with active target masses of 120 kg, 580 kg, and 3.7 tonne, respectively, producing many results at the forefront of dark matter search and neutrino studies.
The PandaX collaboration is also preparing for the next phase, PandaX-xT, a multi-ten-tonne liquid xenon, ultra-low background, and general-purpose observatory. The full-scaled PandaX-xT contains a 43-t liquid xenon active target. With an approximately ten years of operation, the sensitivity of dark matter direct detection will be improved by nearly two orders of magnitude compared to the current best limits, approaching the so-called “atmospheric neutrino fog” for a dark matter mass above 10 GeV/c2, providing a key test to the Weakly Interacting Massive Particle paradigm. By searching for the neutrinoless double beta decay of 136Xe isotope in the detector, the effective Majorana neutrino mass can be measured to a few tens of meV sensitivity, providing a key test to the Dirac/Majorana nature of neutrinos. Astrophysical neutrinos and other ultra-rare interactions can also be measured and searched for with an unprecedented background level, opening up new windows of discovery. Depending on the findings, PandaX-xT will seek the further upgrade utilizing isotopic separation of natural xenon. The conceptual design of the next generation PandaX-xT is now published (
We will hold an International Open Meeting for PandaX-xT. The goal of this meeting is to discuss the physics potentials of PandaX-xT, the design of the observatory, and status of the development of various subsystems including:
- Experimental hall infrastructure
- Outer veto detector
- Inner veto detector
- Low background Cryostat
- Time Projection Chamber
- Photosensors, Cold PCBs, and Cabling
- Readout electronics
- Data-acquisition and Online System
- Liquid xenon storage and transfer
- Cryogenics and Re-circulation
- Distillation System
- Calibration System
- Slow Control and Offline Computing
Participants are encouraged to submit abstracts for talks in which to present their individual interests on topics related to PandaX-xT, as well as discuss possible future contributions to the project. Moreover, we would like to start discussion of forming a PandaX-xT international consortium, which may incubate a formal international PandaX-xT collaboration in the future. Prior registration will be required to participate.
To facilitate international visitors, a week-long casual academic program will also be arranged in the Tsung-Dao Lee Institute in Shanghai, the headquarter of PandaX, before and after the meeting. You are welcome to give seminars and discuss in-depth with local people.
Local Organizing Committee Members:
Shanghai Jiao Tong University: Jianglai Liu, Ning Zhou, Ke Han, Yue Meng, Junting Huang
Sun Yat-sen University: Wei Wang
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