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Seminars 李政道研究所-粒子核物理研究所联合演讲

Challenges and Opportunities for Current and Future Colliders From Large Hadron Collider to Lepton Colliders

by Dr Keping Xie (Michigan State University)

N601 (Tsung-Dao Lee Institute)


Tsung-Dao Lee Institute


Abstract: With the absence of direct evidence for new physics at the LHC, high-energy physics has entered a precision era, where resolving subtle deviations from Standard Model (SM) predictions is paramount. Many precision measurements at hadron colliders, such as the W-boson mass, face significant challenges due to uncertainties in the parton distribution functions (PDFs). As a member of the CTEQ-TEA (CT) collaboration, I will review the current state of precision PDF determination and highlight the recent CT advancements and their implications for reducing theoretical uncertainties. Additionally, I will outline future directions for improving PDFs to meet the demands of next-generation precision measurements. Looking ahead, lepton colliders, including electron and muon colliders, offer unprecedented opportunities for precision studies in cleaner experimental environments. I will discuss the Higgs precision measurements at future electron colliders, such as CEPC. Building on this, I will extend the factorization framework into the electroweak (EW) sector and present the EW PDFs, which symbolize a paradigm shift from annihilation to vector boson. Moreover, I will explore the unique physics potential of muon colliders to search for new physics through both effective field theory (EFT) and model-specific frameworks. Finally, I will bridge into neutrino experiments and gravitational wave detections.

Bio: Keping Xie is a postdoc at Michigan State University. Before that, he did his first postdoc at the University of Pittsburgh. He obtained his Ph.D. degree at Southern Methodist University in 2019 and Bachelor’s degree at Peking University in 2014. His researches cover both perturbative quantum chromodynamics (pQCD) and Beyond-the-Standard-Model (BSM) physics. As a member of CTEQ-TEA (CT) collaboration, he was one of the major contributors to the CT18 parton distribution functions (PDFs). He led the QED corrections, i.e., CT18QED, and the state-of-the-art calculation for neutrino scattering cross sections. Recently, he is dedicated to the electroweak (EW) PDFs, and their applications at high-energy muon colliders. He also work on high-order calculations, heavy flavors, Higgs models, and
effective field theory. Up to now, he has published 33 peer-reviewed papers with citations above 2500 [Inspire HEP].

Video: https://vshare.sjtu.edu.cn/play/b92d2681-2e5b-4f70-83d1-61d9b4cc97f5