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Phases and excitations of spin models on the Shastry-Sutherland lattice

by Prof. Rong Yu (Renmin University of China)

TDLI Meeting Room N601 (East Wing of Floor 6, North Building)

TDLI Meeting Room N601 (East Wing of Floor 6, North Building)


In this talk, I first discuss theoretical results on spin excitations of the Shastry-Sutherland model. I show that the antiferromagnetic state of this model is an altermagnet carrying chiral magnon excitations. Besides the Goldstone modes, the excitation spectrum also contains a Higgs mode. Various spectral features suggest the antiferromagnetic-to-plaquette transition is proximate to a deconfined quantum critical point. Then I move on to the theory for rare-earth magnets on the Shastry-Sutherland lattice. The minimal model is an XYZ model due to the interplay between strong spin-orbit coupling and crystal electric field. I show that for non-Kramers systems, a number of hidden quadrupolar ordered states can be stabilized. For Kramers ones, the ground state can be novel “triplet dimers”. Spectral features and thermodynamic properties of these phases are discussed.


Dr. Rong Yu is a professor of physics at Renmin University of China. He obtained his PhD degree at University of Southern California in 2007, and later worked as a postdoctoral research associate at University of Tennessee, Knoxville and Rice University. He has been working on theory of correlated electronic systems. Current research interests include frustration and disorder effects in quantum magnets, correlation effects in iron- and nickel-based superconductors.

Condensed Matter
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Tencent Meeting link: https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/QRZZWd92UJll Meeting ID: 976 373 255, no password