Lin: ITk Test Beam Analysis
October 2024 campaign, SS_20USBMS0000381 module
[fixed issues]
- make the Corryvreckan framework in the
branch ready for campaign analysis after September 2024;- pay attention to shift_triggers parameter when loading telescope data in configuration file -- campaign-dependent;
- initial orientation of the TelePix plane matters!
- especially the 3rd Euler angle along Z direction -- campaign-dependent;
- it is compulsory by Corryvreckan framework to ensure positive correlation in each and every telescope plane before the real alignment
- -- if not, wrong software set-up.
- improvement:
- enable aligning orientations during DUT alignment;
- alignment of all telescope planes at once;
- correct noise occupancy set-up.

1. data at stream 21 ASIC(8,9), ASIC(2,3,4);

2. data at stream 20 ASIC(1,2), AISC(4,5).