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by Dr Xin Xiang (Brown University)

Zoom meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84739093659?pwd=K2Y0Z1pHelBxQyt3N2JIdEZ1cTF5UT09(ID: 847 3909 3659, Password: 123456)

Zoom meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84739093659?pwd=K2Y0Z1pHelBxQyt3N2JIdEZ1cTF5UT09(ID: 847 3909 3659, Password: 123456)



The DarkSide-50 was the first direct dark matter detection experiment at Gran Sasso National Lab using low-radioactive Ar extracted from underground sources as a target. The detector was on commissioning from 2013 to 2018. We successfully achieved background-free in all three WIMP analyses and paved the road for the next generation multi-ton scale Ar dark matter experiment. In this talk, I will first walk you through the DarkSide-50 program, followed by a discussion on a dangerous background that could have derailed the background-free goal. Finally, I will show the analysis and results from the last dark matter search using the full 532 live days of data published in 2018. Throughout the talk, I will make comparisons between the Ar and Xe technologies.



Xin was originally from Xi'an. Xin went to the University of California at Santa Barbara in 2009 and received his B.S. degree in physics (advisor: Benjamin Monreal) in 2013 with the highest honors. Xin then attended the Ph.D. program at Princeton University (advisor: Cristiano Galbiati) where he worked on the DarkSide-50 experiment from 2013 to 2018. Xin started as a Leon N Cooper Postdoctoral fellow at Brown University (PI: Richard Gaitskell) in October 2018 and has been working on the LUX-ZEPLIN experiment since then. In his leisure time, Xin enjoys watching and playing basketball.