by Prof. Zhihong Ye ( Tsinghua University)

5#/6th-603 - Meeting Room 603 (Science Building)

5#/6th-603 - Meeting Room 603

Science Building



The short-range correlations (SRCs) attributes to the high momentum components of the nucleon momentum distribution in a nucleus. Due to the highly localized feature of these correlated nucleons, the high momentum tails from light to heavy nuclei reveal very similar distributions when their momenta are above the Fermi momentum.The measurements of electron or proton scattering on different nuclei in the quasi-elastic region can study the two- and three- nucleon correlations and their isospin nature. I will discuss recent experiments carried out at Jefferson Lab as well as upcoming experiments at NICA and future opportunities at HIAF.

I will also briefly introduce new experimental programs and theoretical calculations that explore the connection between SRCs and the nuclear effect of the quark distributions, such as the EMC effect, which potentially provides a new way to understand how quarks determine the nuclear structure and how gluons play roles in the nuclear force.

叶志鸿2005年本科毕业于兰州大学,博士毕业于美国弗吉尼亚大学中高能核物理实验专业。毕业后与杜克大学以及阿贡国家实验室从事博士后研究。专注于研究核子之间的短程关联,夸克在原子核的介质效应,测量质子的半径,自旋以及其三维图像。在美国Jefferson LabFermi-Lab参与了十几个物理实验,以实验发言人的身份领导完成了氚靶物理实验组,同时成为多个已批准新实验的发言人。随后转行加入日本佳能公司美国医学成像研发部门成为资深科学家参与研发第四代CT扫描。2021年入职清华大学物理系任助理教授,回到中高能核物理领域继续从事Jefferson Lab的实验研究,积极参与中国的EicC项目以及美国的EIC项目,并承担几个新大科学装置上的探测器研发。 

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